310863M 7
FIG. 3: Agitator Kit
• Proportioner pump: follow instructions in propor-
tioner operation manual.
• Air and fluid hoses: use only electrically conduc-
tive hoses.
• Air compressor: follow manufacturer’s recommen-
• Spray gun: ground through connection to a prop-
erly grounded fluid hose and pump.
• Feed pumps and solvent pump: follow instruc-
tions in feed pump manual.
• Object being sprayed: follow local code.
• Solvent pails used when flushing: follow local
code. Use only conductive metal pails, placed on a
grounded surface. Do not place the pail on a non-
conductive surface, such as paper or cardboard,
which interrupts grounding continuity.
• To maintain grounding continuity when flushing
or relieving pressure: hold metal part of the spray
gun/dispense valve firmly to the side of a grounded
metal pail, then trigger the gun/valve.
The equipment was tested with lightweight oil, which is
left in the fluid passages to protect parts. To avoid con-
taminating your fluid with oil, flush the equipment with a
compatible solvent before using the equipment. See
Flushing the System in the proportioner operation
3. Install agitator kit
a. See FIG. 3. Install agitator (1) in drum.
b. Screw air line fitting (2a) into agitator
inlet. Connect air line coupler (2b) into
fitting (2a).
4. Connect air lines
a. Shut off air valves at feed pumps.
b. Connect air lines to quick disconnect fit-
tings at feed pump and agitator.
5. Grounding
Your system must be grounded. Read warnings, page
6. Flush Before Using