
14 309909H
Operating Errors
22 High Ratio (units with
meter[s] only)
Spray Mix ratio higher than
Target + Tolerance
Flow rate too high
Slow actuation of dispense valve A or B
Clogged flow meter
23 Low Ratio (units with
meter[s] only)
Spray Mix ratio lower than
Target - Tolerance
24 Dose Timeout A (units
with meter[s] only)
Spray Air flow switch indicates
more than 40 sec of air
flow without dose com-
Air flow switch stuck open.
Atomizing air leak downstream of air flow switch.
Clogged flow meter.
Gun triggered without fluid (dusting parts)
25 Dose Timeout B (units
with meter[s] only)
26 Park Timeout
(pump-based units only)
Park Pumps not at bottom of
Sampling valves closed, or gun not triggered.
Testing Error
15 Piston packing/ball A* Test Pump does not com-
pletely stall in up stroke
Piston packing or ball check failure
16 Piston packing/ball B*
17 Inlet Ball A* Test Pump does not com-
pletely stall in downstroke
Intake valve ball check failure
18 Inlet Ball B*
19 Dispense Valve A* Test Pump does not com-
pletely stall in both up
and down strokes
Throat packing or dispense valve failure
20 Dispense Valve B*
27 Pump Calibration
Timeout A
Run A Pump doesn’t run
through calibration.
Sampling valves closed.
28 Pump Calibration
Timeout B
Run B
Code Alarm Active Problem Cause