Selecting Channels
• The Parent Units can use either 4—1.5V “AAA”/LRØ3 batteries or standard 120 volt AC
household current. The Nursery Unit uses standard 120 volt AC household current only.
The included AC adapters must be used for this purpose.
• To use AC adapters, plug the connector on the cord into the AC adapter jack on the side of
the unit. Then plug adapter into a standard wall outlet.
• Use ONLY the Graco adapters included with the monitor. Do not use these adapters with
other equipment under any circumstances.
• If units do not work, check that AC adapters are plugged into working outlets.
• When electricity is off (from a power failure, etc.), the Nursery Unit will NOT work, since it only
operates on AC current.
• Check that both Nursery Unit and Parent ’s Unit are set to the same channel.
• To change channel, slide Channel button to either A, B, X, or Y on BOTH units.
Using AC Adapters
Setting Up the Baby Monitor
1. Check that Nursery Unit and Parent Units are set to the same channel.
2. Place the Nursery Unit within 10 feet (3 meters) of your baby. Plug an AC adapter into the
jack on the side of the Nursery Unit. Plug it into a working 120 volt AC outlet.
3. Aim the Nursery Unit toward your baby. Check that there are no walls or large objects that
could block sound transmission.
4. Turn on the Nursery Unit using the ON/OFF switch. The green power light should come on.
5. Install 4—1.5V “AAA”/LRØ3 batteries into the Parent Unit, or plug into a working 120 volt AC
outlet using the other two AC adapters.
6. Turn on the Parent Unit using the volume control dial. The green power light should come on.
Usar adaptadores VCA
• Las unidades de los padres operan con cuatros pilas de 1.5V “AAA”/LRØ3 o conectadas a la
corriente normal doméstica de 120 voltios VCA mediante los adaptadores VCA incluidos. La
unidad del bebé opera solamente con la corriente normal doméstica de 120 voltios VCA.
• Para usar los adaptadores VCA, enchufe el cable a la toma del adaptador VCA que está en
un lado de la unidad y enchufe el adaptador a una toma de corriente doméstica normal.
• SÓLO se deben usar los adaptadores Graco incluidos con la unidad. Bajo ninguna
circunstancia se deben usar estos adaptadores con otros equipos.
• Si no funcionan las unidades, verifique que los adaptadores VCA estén enchufados en tomas
que funcionen.
• Cuando se apaga la electricidad (debido a un apagón, etc.), el transmisor NO funcionará, ya
que sólo opera con una corriente VCA.
Selección de canales
• Verifique que tanto la unidad de los padres como la unidad del bebé estén en el mismo
• Para cambiar de canal,deslice el botón del canal A, B, X, o Y en AMBAS unidades.