22 Genie TMZ-34/19 Part No. 97866
Operator's Manual Fourth Edition • First Printing
At the Ground Controls
1 Insert the key and turn to ground control.
2 Pull out the red Emergency Stop buttons at the
ground and platform controls.
3 Models with manual outriggers: Select an
outrigger. Maintain a firm grasp on the outrigger.
Pull the outrigger release handle and lower the
outrigger. Be sure the outrigger lock pin is
locked. Repeat the procedure for each of the
remaining outriggers.
Adjust the outriggers to level the machine and
raise the wheels slightly off the ground. Level
the machine using only the outriggers. Use the
bubble level to make sure the machine is level.
Models with hydraulic outriggers: Push and
hold the yellow function enable button. Push
and hold the auto level button or the individual
outrigger buttons to lower the outriggers and
level the machine. Level the machine using only
the outriggers. Use the bubble level to make
sure the machine is level.
Test Emergency Stop
4 Push in the ground red Emergency Stop button
to the off position.
Result: All ground and platform control functions
should not operate.
5 Pull out the red Emergency Stop button to
the on position.
Test Outrigger Interlock
6 Unscrew one leveling jack or use the leveling
buttons to raise one outrigger off the ground.
Result: All boom functions should not operate.
7 Return the leveling jack to the previous setting
or use the leveling buttons to lower the
8 Repeat the procedure for each outrigger.
Test the Boom Functions
9 Do not push a function enable button. Attempt to
activate each boom function button.
Result: All boom functions should not operate.
10 Push and hold the blue function enable button.
Activate each boom function button.
Result: Primary boom up, primary boom extend,
secondary boom up and turntable rotate right
should all function.
11 Push and hold the yellow function enable button.
Activate each boom function button.
Result: Primary boom down, primary boom
retract, secondary boom down and turntable
rotate left should all function.
Note: Perform the appropriate function tests for
your control system. Determine whether the control
panels on your machine match the ones below or
the ones on page 20. Follow the step-by-step
instructions below the pictures to test all machine
Platform Control Panel
Ground Control Panels