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The GENESIS THAWING SYSTEMS incorporate water bath
technology with the latest engineering to enable the machine to
provide plasma thawing in a minimum of time. The unique,
water resistant electronic key pad permits the operator to easily
monitor and control the thawing activity.
The compact design of the GENESIS 2002/2006 saves
precious bench top space. It is easy to operate, keep clean and
maintain. The GENESIS 2002/2006 sets up in minutes and
is ready to use. The GENESIS 2002/2006 comes with 1000
plasma thawing bags, thawing bag dispenser, bag holder(s),
, reference thermometer, and two special
plasma thawing bag weights. Optional accessories are also
We are certain that you will be pleased with your new
GENESIS 2002/2006 plasma thawing water bath system. If
you have any questions, please call :
GenesisBPS, LLC