Cleaning CDs or DVDs
Wipe from the center to the edge, not around in a circle, using a product made
especially for the purpose.
File management
A file was accidentally deleted
If a file was deleted at a DOS prompt or in Windows while holding down the
HIFT key, the file cannot be restored.
To restore deleted files:
1 Double-click/Double-tap the Recycle Bin icon.
2 Right-click/Button-tap the file you want to restore, then click/tap
Restore. The file is restored to the place where it was originally
deleted from.
If the Recycle Bin was emptied before you tried to restore a file, the
file cannot be restored.
Help and
For more information about restoring deleted files, click/tap
Start, then click/tap Help and Support.
Type the keyword System Restore in the Search box
, then click/tap the arrow.