ROM FAILED - The GPS 100 has detected a failure in its permanent
memory. If this message occurs, the unit is unusable and should be taken
to an authorized GARMIN service center.
ROUTE IS FULL - An attempt has been made to add more than 9 waypoints
to a route. The GPS 100 will not allow more than 9 waypoints per route.
ROUTE IS NOT EMPTY - An attempt has been made to copy a route to a
non-empty route. The GPS 100 will not allow you to copy a route to a non-
empty route.
ROUTE WPT DELETED - One or more route waypoints were deleted due
to a database change.
ROUTE WPT MOVED - One or more route waypoints were moved at least
0.33 arc minutes due to a database change.
SEARCHING THE SKY - The GPS 100 is in the search-the-sky mode. Allow
the unit to complete data collection before turning it off.
START ALTITUDE CHNG - The altitude change entered on the VNAV
Planning Page is about to begin.
STEEP TURN AHEAD - This message appears approximately 1 minute
prior to a turn that requires a bank angle in excess of 25 degrees in order to
stay on course.
STORED DATA LOST - Stored user data, including waypoints, routes, and
satellite orbital data have been lost due to a low memory battery.
TIMER 1 EXPIRED - Count down timer 1 has expired.
TIMER 2 EXPIRED - Count down timer 2 has expired.
VNAV CANCELLED - The VNAV function has been cancelled due to a
change in the active route.
WPT EXISTS _____ - You have entered a waypoint name on the Au-
Page or Waypoint Catalog Page that already exists in memory.
Enter a waypoint name that does not exist.
WPT MEMORY FULL - The waypoint memory is full. You should delete
unused waypoints to make room for new waypoints.