
Apollo GX50/60/65 Installation Manual
Lat/Lon position accuracy ........................ 15 meters RMS typical
25 meters, SEP, without SA
100 meters 2DRMS with SA
Velocity .................................................... 1000 knots maximum
Acceleration.............................................. 4G maximum
TTFF (time to first fix)............................. 25 seconds typical with current almanac, position,
time, and ephemeris
55 seconds typical with current almanac, position,
and time
Reacquisition............................................ 2.5 seconds typical
Position update interval............................ 1 second typical
Datum ....................................................... WGS-84
CDI L/R deviation .................................... ±150 mv full scale, will drive up to 200 ohm load
TO/OFF/FROM flag................................. ±250 mv, TO/FROM indication, will drive up to
200 ohm load
Nav valid flag ........................................... +300 mv for valid indication, will drive up to 100
ohm load
Nav superflag ........................................... Vin - 2 volts minimum for valid, source capability
of 400 mA
VDI up/down............................................ ±150 mv full scale, will drive up to 200 ohm load
VDI valid flag........................................... +300 mv for valid indication, will drive up to 100
ohm load
VDI superflag ........................................... Vin - 2 volts minimum for valid, source capability
of 400 mA
Annunciators ............................................ Open collector outputs capable of sinking up to
400 mA for turning ON annunciator lamps
MSG (message) ON indicates message(s) active
PTK (parallel track) ON indicates parallel track
is enabled
OBS/HLD (waypoint sequencing hold) ON
indicates waypoint sequencing is on hold
APPRCH (approach enabled) ON indicates the
approach has been enabled
ACTIVE (approach active) ON indicates the
approach is active