4000/5000 Series Owner’s Manual
Using Radar
Understanding the Cruising Screen
Use the Cruising screen to view a full-screen image of the gathered radar information. Your position
is in the center of the screen, and the rings provide distance measurements.
Range rings
Heading line
Zoom scale
The zoom scale represents the distance from your position (the center) to the outermost ring. Each
ring represents an even division of the zoom scale. For example, if the zoom scale is set at three
kilometers, each ring represents one kilometer from the center out. Use the RANGE (+/-) keys
(GPSMAP 4000 series) or the and keys (GPSMAP 5000 series) to adjust the zoom scale.
Cruising Screen Settings
To access additional settings or options for the radar cruising screen, press MENU.
controls the sensitivity of the radar receiver. The default setting, Auto, adjusts automatically
to provide optimal performance. Select Up or Down to manually adjust the gain; select Auto to
return the gain to the default setting.
Rain Cltr—adjust the gain for unwanted clutter caused by rain at close ranges. Select Up or
Down to adjust the rain clutter sensitivity.
Sea Cltr—adjust the gain for clutter caused by choppy sea conditions. Select Nxt Prset to cycle
between Rough, Med, Calm, or Off. Select Up or Down to manually adjust the sea clutter
Guard Zone—denes a safe zone around your boat. An alarm sounds when a detected object enters
this zone. Select On or Off. If the guard zone is on, you can dene the boundaries by selecting
Adjust Guard Zone.
Corner 1 (and Corner 2): Use the ROCKER (GPSMAP 4000 series) as indicated by the arrows
( and ) to dene the size of the guard zone. Select Corner 1 or Corner 2 to change the
reference point. For GPSMAP 5000 series units, touch Corner 1, and then touch the point on the
screen where you want the rst corner of the guard zone. Repeat this with Corner 2.
Circular: Joins the guard zone to completely encompass the boat. Use Corner 1 or Corner 2 to
adjust the size.
Corner 1 Corner 2 Circular
Nav Features—hides or shows distance, arrival time, and bearing when navigating to a destination.
between rings