To set a persistent alarm:
1. Highlight the Alarms tab on the Main Menu.
2. Highlight the box next to the alarm you want to make
persistent (for example, Next Turn).
3. Press ENTER to place a check mark in the Persist box.
Navigation (Nav) Alarms
Next Turn—set an alarm to indicate the next turn in a route.
Select Dist to specify a distance before you reach the next turn
to sound the alarm. Select Time to specify a time before the turn
for the alarm to go off. Select Auto for the unit to provide a Next
Turn alarm at its discretion.
Arrival—set an alarm to sound when you are a specied
distance or time away from a destination waypoint. Select Auto
for the unit to provide an arrival alarm at its discretion.
Off Course—set an alarm to sound when off course. Select On,
and then enter a distance.
Anchor Drag—set an alarm to sound when you exceed a
specied drift distance. Select On, and then enter a distance.
Custom POI—set an alarm to sound when approaching a
custom POI.
System Alarms
Clock—set an alarm based on the unit’s clock. Select On, and
then enter a specic time that you want the alarm to sound. The
GPSMAP 278 must be on for the clock alarm to work.
Ext. (External) Voltage—set an alarm to sound when the
external voltage drops below a specied amount. Select On, and
then enter a specic voltage.
DGPS—set an alarm to sound when the GPSMAP 278 loses a
differential x.
Anchor Drag—sets an alarm to sound when you exceed a
specied drift distance. Select On, and then enter a distance.
Accuracy—set an alarm to sound when GPS accuracy falls
outside of the user-set value. Select On, and then specify a
72 GPSMAP 278 Owner’s Manual
MAIn Menu > AlArMs tAb