GPSMAP 76Cx Owner’s Manual 11
BaSIc operatIon
Using the Find Menu
Use the Find Menu to search for waypoints,
geocaches, cities, and exits included in the GPSMAP
76Cx basemap. Additional icons appear depending on
the optional BlueChart g2 or MapSource data loaded
to the unit. Press FIND to open the Find Menu.
Waypoint Options
Cities Options Menu
Find Menu with optional
MapSource data
When you access a Find list, it contains items near
your current location or the pointer.
The options menu for each category contains a
submenu of search options. Select a category.
Find By Name
Use Find By Name if you know the name of the
location you want to nd.
To nd a location using Find By Name:
1. Press FIND to open the Find Menu.
2. Select the icon for the type of item for which
you want to search for, or search the entire
database by selecting �ll Points of Interest.
3. Press MENU > Find By Name.
4. Use the ROCKER to operate the on-screen
keypad and enter the name of the location
you want to nd. When the Find list contains a
match, highlight OK.
5. Select the location item from the Find list,
and press ENTER. The item’s information
page opens, allowing you to save the item
as a waypoint, show the item on the map, or
automatically create a route to the item (Go To).