2) The buzzer at the Bridge Panel sounds.
There is no visual or audible alarm at the Timer Reset Panel nor is the alarm for-
warded to the Cabin Panel.
3) Press the BUZ STOP key to stop the buzzer.
4) Press the ACK key to acknowledge the alarm.
5) The color of the message changes to yellow.
6) The message is erased when the reason for the alarm is removed.
The table below shows the system failure messages.
FAIL 001 Bridge Panel Operating
Error at Bridge Panel
FAIL 002 No.1 Processor Unit
Communication Fail
No connection with No.1 Processor Unit
FAIL 003 No.2 Processor Unit
Communication Fail
No connection with No.2 Processor Unit
FAIL 004 No.1 Processor Unit
Operating Fail
Problem with command at the No. 1 Pro-
cessor Unit.
FAIL 005 No.2 Processor Unit
Operating Fail
Problem with command at the No. 2 Pro-
cessor Unit.
FAIL 006 Modbus Time out Cannot connect with Modbus.
FAIL 007 Modbus Format Error Modbus format error:
- Illegal Function
- Illegal Data Address
- Illegal Data Value
FAIL 008 PR-240 AC Power Fail No AC input at PR-240. The system oper-
ates with DC power.
FAIL 009 Please check the definition
Error found in definition file at equipment
startup. Below are the definition file errors.
• Duplicate part found in Modbus ad-
dress IO in the definition file.
• An address out of address range is
found during check of Modbus address
setting range and IO address.
• Duplicate Cabin Panel names found.
• “Type” is set to “Captain” on two or
more Cabin Panels.