OWN SHIP INFO menu setting
Open the Own Ship Info menu by clicking “Page 2” tab on the “Radar Initialize” menu.
Model 25 DOWN
Radar Initialize
Length and Width
To inscribe own ship shape on the screen when you choose it on the menu, enter length
and width of the ship. The setting ranges are as follows.
Length: 0 to 999 m
Width: 0 to 998 m (even value)
Scanner bow and Scanner port
Enter the antenna position from the bow and port sides
Bow: 0 to 999 m
Port: 0 to 999 m
GPS 1 bow, GPS 1 port / GPS 2 bow, GPS 2 port
These items are needed for AIS information. Enter the GPS antenna position from the bow
and port sides. The setting ranges are the same as above.
Conning bow and Conning port
Enter the conning position in the wheelhouse from the bow and port sides. The setting
ranges are the same as above.
When you set the display reference point to the conning position, these values are used to
correct the radar antenna position.