more fun and challenging.)
The dealer deals out 4 cards to each player. Each player
looks at their hand and decides to try for a particular set.
Each player then chooses one card to discard and places
it face down in front of them and passes it to the player to
their left. Each player looks at their new card and chooses
another card to discard. The game continues in this way,
until one player has a set of four cards of the same value.
Once a player has four of a kind, he quietly places his cards
down face up in front of him and picks up a spoon from the
center of the table. As soon as a player has done this, the
other players must reach for a spoon as well, whether or
not they have 4 of a kind. The player who does not have a
spoon is out of the game.
One spoon is then removed from the center of the table so
that there is one less spoon then players once again.
The players who are still in the game are not allowed to
speak to the player who is out of the game. If they do, then
they are automatically out as well.
Winning: In the last round of the game, there is one spoon
left to grab, the player who grabs the spoon rst wins!
Variations: For a longer game play, players can play with a
complete deck of cards instead of pulling out equal number
of sets to the number of players.
The dealer deals out four cards to each player
Donkey: Play is the same in Donkey, except that when a
player fails to pick up a spoon they are penalized with a
letter, and a new round begins with all players. The rst
player to be given all the letters in the word ‘donkey’ loses
the game and must “hee-haw.”
Pig: This is the same game as Donkey, but shorter.
This is a great classic card game that makes for a good
introduction to cards for a young player.
Ages: 4+
Players: 2+
Object: Win all of the cards.
Set-up: The dealer deals out all cards to the players. Some
players will have more cards than others. Players do not
look at their cards, but leave them in a pile in front of them.
Play: Players turn over the top card from their draw pile and
lay it face up in the center. The player who lays down the
highest value card wins the hand and collects the rest of
cards from the center area.
Declaring War: If there is a tie between players for the
highest value card, than those players who tied must declare
war. All players who have tied say “I declare war!” laying
down four cards as they say this. The rst three cards should
be laid down face down, with the fourth card turned face up.
The player with the highest value card turned face up wins
all cards in the center area.
Winning: The player who collects all of the cards, wins the
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