
28-03-2003 Page 2-9 of 53
even when setup menus can be set to higher speed. In order to obtain
higher speed you need to install 3
part utility program on PC. Please
visit www.if-com.com for further information.
1. Turn off power
2. Press Key 1 low while power up. Board is now in setting mode.
Text will be printed on paper for further information
3. By activating key 1 and 2 you can change following parameters:
a. Test printout
b. Select Command set
i. I/F-COM command set (Default)
ii. Seiko compatible command set (Optional)
iii. Fujitsu compatible command set (Optional)
iv. APS compatible command set (Optional)
v. ESC/POS compatible command set (Optional)
c. Baud rate
i. 9600
ii. 19.200
iii. 38.400
iv. 57.600
v. 115.200 (Default)
vi. 230.400
vii. 460.800
d. Parity
i. 0 (Default)
ii. 1
e. Data bit
i. 7
ii. 8 (Default)
f. Stop bit
i. 1
ii. 2
g. Flow control
i. None
ii. Hardware (Default)
iii. Xon/Xoff
h. Dot size of printer (See note*)
i. 384 dots (Default)
ii. 432 dots
iii. 448 dots
iv. 512 dots
v. 576 dots
vi. 640 dots
vii. 832 dots
viii. 1152 dots
i. Key 1 function