1.1 Features
C141-E050-02EN 1-3
1.1.3 Interface
(1) Connection to interface
With the built-in ATA interface controller, the disk drives (the MHC Series and
MHD Series) can be connected to an ATA interface of a personal computer.
(2) 512-KB data buffer
The disk drives (the MHC Series and MHD Series) uses a 512-KB data buffer to
transfer data between the host and the disk media.
In combination with the read-ahead cache system described in item (3) and the
write cache described in item (7), the buffer contributes to efficient I/O
(3) Read-ahead cache system
After the execution of a disk read command, the disk drive automatically reads the
subsequent data block and writes it to the data buffer (read ahead operation). This
cache system enables fast data access. The next disk read command would
normally cause another disk access. But, if the read ahead data corresponds to the
data requested by the next read command, the data in the buffer can be transferred
(4) Master/slave
The disk drives (the MHC Series and MHD Series) can be connected to ATA
interface as daisy chain configuration. Drive 0 is a master device, drive 1 is a
slave device.
(5) Error correction and retry by ECC
If a recoverable error occurs, the disk drives (the MHC Series and MHD Series)
themselves attempt error recovery. The ECC has improved buffer error correction
for correctable data errors.
(6) Self-diagnosis
The disk drives (the MHC Series and MHD Series) have a diagnostic function to
check operation of the controller and disk drives. Executing the diagnostic
command invokes self-diagnosis.
(7) Write cache
When the disk drives (the MHC Series and MHD Series) receive a write
command, the disk drives post the command completion at completion of
transferring data to the data buffer completion of writing to the disk media. This
feature reduces the access time at writing.