D.1 Programming Specifications for One-time PROM and
EPROM Microcontrollers
In EPROM mode, the MB89P955 function is equivalent to the MBM27C256A. This allows
the PROM to be programmed with a general-purpose EPROM programmer by using the
dedicated adaptor. Note that the electronic signature mode cannot be used.
■ EPROM programmer socket adaptor
Depending on the EPROM programmer, inserting a capacitor of about 0.1 µF between V
and V
or V
and V
can stabilize programming operations.
Table D.1-1 "EPROM programmer socket adaptor " lists the EPROM programmer socket adaptors.
■ Memory map in EPROM mode
Table D.1-1 "Memory map in EPROM mode" shows the memory map in EPROM mode. Write the option
data in the option setting area after consulting the "OTPROM option bit map".
Figure D.1-1 Memory map in EPROM mode
Table D.1-1 EPROM programmer socket adaptor
Package Compatible socket adaptor
FPT-64P-M09 ROM-64QF2-28DP-8L3
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