
System Administration 293
NAME setssh - configure the settings for the Secure Shell (SSH) service used in the XSCF
SYNOPSIS setssh [ [-q] -{y|n}] -c enable
setssh -c disable
setssh [ [-q] -{y|n}] -m dscp= mode
setssh -c addpubkey [-u user_name]
setssh -c delpubkey {-a | -s line } [-u user_name]
setssh [ [-q] -{y|n}] -c genhostkey
setssh -h
DESCRIPTION The setssh(8) command configures the settings for the SSH service used in the
XSCF network.
Only SSH2 is supported for XSCF. You can configure the following:
Starts or stops the SSH service used in the XSCF network
Accesses control from domain to the SSH service
Sets whether or not to permit access from domain to the SSH service via the
Domain to Service Processor Communications Protocol (DSCP).
Generates the host public key
Registers or deletes the user public key
The user public key can be registered on each user account. Per user account,
multiple user public keys can be registered. Per user account, the user public
keys can be registered up to 1,023 characters including the linefeed.
Privileges You must have one of the following privileges to run this command:
To start or stop the SSH service, to control access from domain to the SSH
service, and to generate the host public key:
To register or delete the user public key of other user account:
To register or delete the user public key of the current login user account:
useradm, platadm, platop, auditadm, auditop, domainadm, domainmgr,
domainop, fieldeng
Refer to setprivileges(8) for more information.