
254 iRMC S2/S3
Alerting - Configure alerting
7.13.1 SNMP Trap Alerting -
Configure SNMP trap alerting
The SNMP Trap Alerting page allows you to view and configure the settings for
SNMP trap alerting.
I Forwarding of SNMP traps to up to seven SNMP servers is supported.
Figure 143: SNMP Trap Alerting page
SNMP Community
Name of the SNMP community.
Ê Click Apply to accept the community name.
SNMP Server1 .. SNMP Server7 (trap destinations)
DNS names or IP addresses of the servers that belong to this community
and are to be configured as Trap Destinations.
Ê Click Apply to activate the SNMP server as a trap destination.
Ê Click Test to test the connection to the SNMP server.
Ê Click Apply All to activate all the settings if appropriate.