User's Manual5-32
When you print using ruled paper, you often want to adjust the print
position so that the print sits properly on the ruled lines. The
ADJUST function allows you to:
• Set top-of-form position
• Fine-tune top-of-form position
• Fine-tune left print start column (left margin)
• Adjust for accumlative line spacing error in a page
The first three items are provided separately for cut single sheets and
continuous forms. The last item is available for single sheets only.
The top edge of your paper is the physical top of the page. The logical
top of the page, as “understood” by the printer when loading paper,
is called the top-of-form. Printing starts at this position. Note that
printing actually starts at the position obtained by adding the
• Top-of-form, default = 1 inch (25.4 mm)
• Top margin specified by your software
• Printer TOP-MRG (top margin setting), default = 1 line
Table 5.5 describes the ADJUT items and options. Items are listed in
the order they are printed. The procedure for changing the options
reffered to Setup Mode Example.
Load your paper and check the adjustment by printing a sample page
using your software. If necessary, reenter setup mode and fine-tune
the top-of-form position by changing the <CNTFINE> option.