Setup Mode
User's Manual 5-31
Table 5.4 HARDWRE Items and Options (Cont.)
NOTE: Underlined options are the factory defaults.
Options Description
(continued) • 0BYTE option is recommended
only for graphics application.
• With 128KB selected, the printer
cannot accept any download font
<INTRFCE> Selects the type of the interface to the
PARALEL Centronics parallel interface
SERIAL RS-232C serial interface
AUTO-2S Auto interface selection mode
AUTO-4S • Both interfaces are ready for
AUTO-6S communication.
AUTO-10S • Specify the timing regarding the
AUTO-15S selected interface as being inactive.
Serial Interface Items. The following <FORMAT> to <DUPLEX>
items are not printed when you select the PARALEL option for the
<INTRFCE> item. Be sure that the options selected on the printer
are the same as the options selected using your computer operating
system or your software. Refer to the documentation provided for
your computer and software.
<FORMAT> Number of Number of
data bits Parity bit stop bits
8NONE 1 8 None 1
8NONE 2 8 None 2
8EVEN 1 8 Even 1
8ODD 1 8 Odd 1
7EVEN 1 7 Even 1
7ODD 1 7 Odd 1
7MARK 1 7 Mark 1
7SPACE 1 7 Space 1
7EVEN 2 7 Even 2
7ODD 2 7 Odd 2
The data format also includes a start
bit. The mark is logical 1. The space
is logical 0.
#05 Chapter 5 2000.09.20, 2:36 PM31