
8.5 Advanced Settings
8.5.1 Virtual Server
The router built into the AP-600RP-USB allows specific ports – and therefore their associ-
ated services – to be enabled for communication for particular clients. In this way, local
servers or other resources can be released for communication. This is done by selecting a
client in the virtual server (specific IP address) and defining the port to open. All requests
sent to this port are forwarded through the IP address to the specified computer.
The virtual server acts as a selective "guard" on the WAN side (Internet) in that it grants
access to the local network (WLAN/LAN) to specified services, and denies all other ser-
vices this right. Each service (used synonymously in this context for a port and the associ-
ated application) must be assigned to a particular IP address in the local network so that
packet forwarding is possible.
Service Function TCP UDP
AUTH Authentication Service 113 113
BOOTPC Bootstrap Protocol Client 67
DNS Domain Name Server 53
FTP File Transfer Protocol 21
HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol 80
NETBIOS-SSN Netbios Session Service 139
NNTP Network News Transfer Protocol 119
NPP Network Printing Protocol 92
NTP Network Time Protokol 123
POP3 Post Office Protocol V3 110
PPTP Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (VPN) 1723
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol 25
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol 161
Telnet Terminal Emulation Protocol 23
TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol 69
For example, if you have an FTP server (port 21) at, a web server (port
8080) at, and a VPN server at (port 173), you need to make
the following entries in the virtual server mapping table:
Another example configuration with a WEBcam can be found in Section 8.4.15 DDNS
(Dynamic DNS).
Use a comma (,) or dash (-) if more than one port is to be added – for example: 20, 21 or
20–25 or 20, 25–30, 50. Up to 50 entries can be added to the table. Port ranges are also
listed individually in the table.