
Printed in the USA Rev. 3/13
Part #6-26-FG2038
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Optional Accessories
Wired Remote
The wired remote controller with its unique
lock function and sleek design provides full
feature access to property managers,
building owners, and facility maintenance,
as well as providing basic comfort features
to tenants, employees, and teachers.
Simple Remote
Suitable when only basic operations
are required for hotels, offices and
other places where there is frequent
arrival and departure of occupants.
Dry Contact Wire Kit*
Turns system on or off using a normally
closed circuit, for example in home
automation or BMS integration of only
On/Off operation, occupancy sensor or key
card switch or lead-lag control of other
Required to connect the ASU9RLS2,
ASU12RLS2 and ASU15RLS2 to Wired
Remote UTY-RNNUM, Dry Contact Wire
Kit UTY-XWZXZ5, and Simple Remote
Control UTY-RSNUM.
Interface Kit
Required to connect ASU7RLF, 9RLF,
12RLF and ASU15RLS to Wired Remote
UTY-RNNUM, Dry Contact Wire Kit
UTY-XWZX, and Simple Remote
Control UTY-RSNUM.
Interface Kit
^ Minimum Heat, Sleep Timer functions will be lost when the wired remote controller is installed.
* Wall mounted ASU7, 9, and 12RLF require accessory interface kit (Part UTY-XCBXZ1) in order to connect this device to them. Wall mounted ASU9, 12,
and 15RLS2 require accessory interface kit (Part UTY-TWBXF) in order to connect this device to them.
** Internal thermosensor function in Wired Remote UTY-RNNUM is disabled when using this interface kit.
Wireless Remote
For spaces where there is just no place to
mount the wired remote.
Fresh Air
Intake Kit
Mixes room air then passes it through a
heat exchanger.
High Humidity
Insulation Kit
Additional insulation for compact cassette
units, which may be needed when they
are installed in high humidity areas.
Air Outlet
Shutter Plate
In a 3-way air flow configuration an Air
Outlet Shutter Plate kit is required.
Receiver Unit
Includes a wireless remote
Remote Sensor
Wall mounted temperature
sensor for compact duct
Compact Duct
Connector Kit
Allows two 18,000 BTU indoor
units to be used on an outdoor
AOU36RLXFZ. Requires special
piping; limited to only 18,000
BTU models. Total BTU capacity
is limited to 35,800 BTU.
Comes with 5 sets of wires. Can
be used to turn unit on/off, wire
in float switch, AUX heater, turn
on an external device (Fan), or
show if the unit is running.
18+18 Combo
Fittings Kit
Small Wall Mount
7,9,12k BTU / RLF Series
Designer Wall Mount
9,12, 15k BTU / RLS2 Series
Large Wall Mount
18, 24k BTU
Compact Cassette
9, 12, 18k BTU
Compact Duct
9, 12, 18, 24k BTU