• "Bilateral communication function" not enabled.
Windows 95/98:
Check in [Enable bi-directional support for this printer] in the screen
displayed when you click the [Spool Setting] button on the [Details]
dialog box of [FUJIFILM PICTROGRAPHY3500 (4000
2 or 4500)
TCP Properties].
Windows NT 4.0/2000/XP:
Check [Enable bi-directional support] in the [Ports] screen of
2 or 4500) TCP
• Specified port unavailable.
The currently selected printing destination port is other than [PICTRO
TCP]. Select [PICTRO TCP] in the port setup process and then execute
a printing process again.
• Process execution unachievable due to the use of an old Winsock
version for printer operation.
Ensure that Winsock installed in the system is updated to version 2.
This update can be accomplished with the [Windows Socket 2 Update]
program that is released from Microsoft.
• Network card or TCP/IP protocol not properly installed for printer
Check whether the computer is networked to establish proper commu-
Also, check that the TCP/IP protocol is installed in the system.
• "file name" not available. File not found or broken.
• "file name" version does not match.
Reinstall the PICTROGRAPHY 3500/4000
2/4500 printer driver.
• Print data do not match.
This error message is displayed if the user attempts to print to PICTRO
TCP Port using another printer driver. PICTRO TCP Port does not
support printing with any other printer driver.
• Retry time-out. PICTROGRAPHY may be busy.
This message indicates either that the PICTROGRAPHY 3500/4000
4500 is offline or unable to print because it is engaged in some other
processing. Put the PICTROGRAPHY 3500/4000
2/4500 back online,
or resend the print command after waiting for it to complete the current
• The message transmission has failed.
Check to see that the server and client computers are connected across
the network.
• Failed to secure memory.
Increase available memory space by closing other applications.
• Error detected in print monitor. Error code: XXXX
The system has become unstable, or the printer driver may not have
been installed properly. Restart the computer. If this does not correct
the problem, reinstall the FUJIFILM PICTROGRAPHY3500/4000
4500 printer driver.
• Failed to obtain printer information. Reselect printer using
Reselect the PG3500/4000
2/4500(AT) with [Chooser].
• Process execution unachievable because OpenTransport
required for printer use is damaged or not installed.
It is conceivable that OpenTransport files installed in the system may
be damaged or missing.
Install OpenTransport.
• Specified port unavailable.
Run AppleTalk over [Ethernet].
The current setting indicates that AppleTalk does not run over
When making prints with the PICTROGRAPHY 3500/4000
be sure that AppleTalk runs over [Ethernet].
• Specified paper differs from that in printer.
Specified paper size: XXXX
The system is unable to print on the specified paper size. Replace the
paper currently loaded in the PICTROGRAPHY 3500/4000
2/4500 with
one of the correct roll width, or change the paper size setting.
• Printer error. Printer may be offline.
• Printer exclusive use not permitted. Printer may be offline or used
by another computer.
• Failed to obtain paper information since PICTROGRAPHY is
printing or offline.
This message indicates that the PICTROGRAPHY 3500/4000
is offline or unable to print because it is engaged in some other
processing. Put the PICTROGRAPHY 3500/4000
2/4500 back online,
or resend the print command after waiting for the other process to
• Necessary file not found.
Reinstall the PICTROGRAPHY 3500/4000
2/4500 printer driver.
• Memory shortage.
Increase available memory by closing other applications.