Your ice maker is shipped from the factory
with the wire signal arm in the ON position
(side mounted) or with the switch turned ON
(rear mounted). To ensure proper function
of your ice maker, hook up water supply
immediately or turn ice maker OFF by lifting
the wire signal arm until it clicks and locks in
the UP position (side mounted) or turn the
On/Off switch to the Off (0) position (rear
mounted). If the ice maker is not turned off
and the water supply is not connected, the
water valve will make a loud chattering noise.
Priming the Water Supply System
Your refrigerator’s water supply system includes
a distribution valve bank, and a reserve tank
to ensure ample supply to the ice and water
dispenser at all times. This system needs to
connected to an external supply line.
To prime the water supply system:
1 Beginllingthetankbypressingand
holding a drinking glass against the water
dispenser paddle.
2 Keep the glass in this position until water
comes out of the dispenser. It may take
about 1½ minutes.
3 Continue dispensing water for about four
connections of any impurities (stopping to
empty the glass as necessary).
Ice Maker Operation & Care
The ice maker, ice bin, and dispenser feeding
mechanism are located in the top of the freezer
compartment. After the refrigerator is installed
properly and has cooled for several hours, the
ice maker can produce ice within 24 hours. It
Using the Ice Maker after
to prime the water supply system. Air in new
plumbing lines can result in two or three empty
ice maker cycles. Furthermore, if the system
The water dispenser has a built-in device that
of continuous use. To reset this shutoff
device, simply release the dispenser paddle.
For proper dispenser operation, recommended
water supply pressure should fall between 30
psi and 100 psi. Excessive pressure may cause
Ice Production: What to Expect
How Much Ice Will a Side Mounted Ice
Maker Produce in 24 Hours?
A side mounted ice maker will produce 4 to 4.5
pounds of ice every 24 hours, depending on
usage conditions. Ice is produced at a rate of 8
cubes every 75 to 90 minutes.
How Much Ice Will a Rear Mounted Ice
Maker Produce in 24 Hours?
A rear mounted ice maker will produce 3 to 4
pounds of ice every 24 hours, depending on
usage conditions. Ice is produced at a rate of 8
cubes every 75 to 90 minutes.