3.13 Uncertain Spellings
If you are uncertain about how to spell a
word, type the portion of the word you
do know, and type a question mark (?)
in place of each unknown letter. Type
an asterisk (*) to stand for any missing
portion of a word, including prexes,
suxes, spaces, symbols, or any number
of letters. Note: If you type an asterisk
at the beginning of a word, it may take a
little while to nd the matching words.
1. At any word entry screen, type
known letters, a ? in place of each
unknown letter, and a * in place of
any string of unknown characters.
• Totypeanasterisk,press + ?*.
2. Press OK / .
3. Press / to select a word you
want from the list and then press
OK / .
3.14 Searching for
Idioms, Usage Examples
and Collocations
Looking Up from Searches
You may rene your searches to
show only entries containing idioms,
usage examples or collocations in the
1. In the search screen of the
dictionaries, press the soft key
[Idiom], [Example] or [Colloca].
• Somedictionariescontainless
2. Type a word.
• See 3.17 Hints on Inputting Words.
• Witheachletteryoutype,the
resulting list of potential matching
entries is refreshed. If the letters you
typed match an entry in the word list,
it is automatically highlighted. Or,
press / to select another word
entry you see in the word list.
• PressF5 [Range] to rene searches
with multiple words. Select one of