Available functions in the audio CD playback mode
• Normal playback
You can play back an audio CD with the same
manner as with a program in the internal HDD. You
can control the playback level using the faders for
tracks 1, 2 and [MASTER].
If you press the [PLAY] key, the key indicator
flashes for a while. This shows that the system
is in preparation for audio CD playback. When
it is ready, playback starts.
• Track skip
If an audio CD contains more than one track,
pressing [REWIND/PREV] or [F FWD/NEXT] key
while holding down the [SHIFT] key skips a track.
By pressing the key, “Locate: EVT **” (** shows the
event number) is shown on the display, and the
playback position skips (locates) to the beginning
of the appropriate track.
• Auto functions
When the Start and End points are correctly set,
the auto functions (Auto play, Auto return, Auto
repeat, etc.) are available.
* See page 69 of the owner’s manual for details
about the auto functions.
• Varipitch playback
You can use the varipitch playback function which
allows to alter the playback speed within +/- 6.0 %
range in 0.1 % increments/decrements.
* For details about the varipitch function, see page
68 in the owner’s manual.
In the audio CD playback mode, only the [CH STATUS/
CH SEL] keys for tracks 1, 2 and [MASTER] are lit, while
the other [CH STATUS/CH SEL] keys are unlit, showing
that only the faders for track 1, 2 and [MASTER] are
effective. (This means that the playback level of the
audio CD is adjusted using the faders for tracks 1, 2
and [MASTER].)
In the audio CD playback mode, the following
functions are available.
If you are going to carry out any function other than
the following, a warning message is shown and the
operation is ignored (for example, if you press the
[RECORD] key while holding down the [SHIFT] key,
“[WARNING!] Void Key CD PLAYER” is shown.
• Effect, EQ and pan controls
You can use the effect, EQ and pan controls for
tailoring the playback sound.
* For details about the effect function, see pages
41 and 52 in the owner’s manual.
* For details about the EQ function, see pages 40
and 51 in the owner’s manual.
* For details about the pan control, see pages 40
and 50 in the owner’s manual.
• Ejecting an audio CD
In the audio CD playback mode and when the
VF160EX is not accessing the disc, you can eject a
disc in the CD-R/RW drive by pressing the [EXIT/
NO] key while holding down the [SHIFT] key, or
pressing the eject key on the CD-R/RW drive.
• Display time mode selection
By pressing the [DISP SEL] key, you can select the
time mode on the display from among “ABS”,
“Offset” and “MTC”. For details about the time
mode selection In the internal HDD playback mode,
see page 30 of the owner’s manual.
* See the next page for details about the time