303-06-1 303-06-1Starting System
Inspection and Verification
Starting System
Refer to Wiring Diagrams Cell 20, Starting System
WARNING: When servicing the starter
for schematic and connector information.
motor or carrying out other underhood work in
the vicinity of the starter motor, be aware that
Special Tool(s)
the heavy gauge battery input lead at the starter
73 Digital Multimeter
solenoid is ‘‘electrically hot’’ at all times. A
105-R0051 or equivalent
protective cap or boot is provided over the
terminal of this lead and must be installed after
servicing. Failure to follow these instructions may
result in personal injury.
WARNING: When working in the area of
the starter motor, be careful to avoid touching
SABRE Premium Battery and
hot exhaust components. Failure to follow these
Electrical System Tester
instructions may result in personal injury.
010-00730 or equivalent
NOTE: When working on the starter system, make
sure the anti-theft system is deactivated, if equipped.
1. Verify the customer concern by operating the
starting system.
Worldwide Diagnostic System
2. Visually inspect for obvious signs of
mechanical and electrical damage. Refer to the
Vehicle Communication Module
following chart:
(VCM) with appropriate
adapters, or equivalent
Visual Inspection Chart
diagnostic tool
Mechanical Electrical
• Starter motor • Battery
Principles of Operation
• Brackets • Smart junction box
(SJB) fuse:
The starting system is electronically controlled by
— 21 (10A)
the passive anti-theft system (PATS). The PATS
• Bussed electrical center
recognizes the correct electronically coded ignition
(BEC) fuse:
key and signals the instrument cluster to provide a — 3 (30A)
• Anti-theft system
ground for the starter relay. The energized relay
• Damaged wiring harness
provides voltage to the starter solenoid with the key
• Loose or corroded
in the START position, thereby allowing the starter
motor to activate.
3. If an obvious cause for an observed or reported
concern is found, correct the cause (if possible)
before proceeding to the next step.
4. If the cause is not visually evident, connect the
diagnostic tool to the data link connector (DLC)
and select the vehicle to be tested from the
diagnostic tool menu. If the diagnostic tool does
not communicate with the vehicle:
• check that the program card is correctly
• check the connections to the vehicle.
• check the ignition switch position.
Copyright 2004, Ford Motor Company
Last updated: 12/8/2004
2005 Mustang, 12/2004