9-8 Command Reference
:ARM :LAYer2 PM6680B/81/85
Bus Arming Override
This command overrides the waiting for bus arm, provided the source is set to bus.
When this command is issued, the counter will immediately exit the “wait-for-bus-
arm” state.
The counter generates an error if it receives this command when the trigger sub
system is not in the “wait-for-bus-arm” state.
If the Arming source is set to Immediate, this command is ignored.
Complies to standards: SCPI 1991.0, confirmed.
:ARM :LAYer2 :SOURce PM6680B/81/85
8 «BUS | IMMediate»
Bus Arming On/Off
Switches between Bus and Immediate mode for the “wait-for-bus-arm” function,
(layer 2). GET and *TRG triggers the counter if Bus is selected as source.
If the counter receives GET/ *TRG when not in “wait-for-bus-arm” state, it ignores
the trigger and generates an error.
It also generates an error if it receives GET/ *TRG and bus arming is switched off
(set to IMMediate).
Returned format: BUS|IMM¿
Complies to standards: SCPI 1991.0, confirmed.