
done until cable is pulled and tested. (Refer to the procedure Cable-877, in Appendix B, for more
Minimum bend radius of the 878-1-9 cable is four
inches. When bending conduit or flex hose, take
this into consideration. Typical bend radius for P/N
878-12-30 is ¾ inch; stainless steel flex house is 12
2.2 Cable and Wiring Installation
Detector Cable Inside Containment
Detector cables used inside containment are to be installed and terminated according to procedure
Cable-877, in Appendix B. Do not allow any moisture or contaminants to deposit on the connectors used
for installing cables due to the potential for electrical leakage. Because the detector transmits extremely
small current signals, no terminal block connections are acceptable in the penetration. Signal conductor
must be shielded but not grounded (qualified butt splices are acceptable). Refer to drawing GEL875-1 for
electrical connections and to 878-1-9 for cable data.
The detector and readout must not be connected
during the following test.
Detector Test After Installation
Testing of detector cables after installation is required. A leakage test from the center conductor to the
shield should yield better than 1000 megohms at 1000 VDC.
Typical resistance of the center conductor is 0.022 ohm per foot at 20°C (68°F).
Detector Cable Outside Containment
Detector cables used outside containment should be a qualified coaxial type RG 59/U. Ideally, the cable
should connect directly from the penetration to the appropriate connectors on Readout Module 876A-1.
Terminal block connections and unshielded center conductors are not acceptable for installation. Fluke
Biomedical recommends that cable 50-103 be used. Typical wiring is shown on drawing GEL 875-1. After
installation, testing is required as described in the previous paragraph. Specifications for cable used
outside containment are listed below. Refer to drawing 50-103 for additional data.
Specifications for Cable 50-103
Type RG 59/U, alternate
Conductor 19/36 Tinned copper
Insulation Cross-linked polyethylene
Flame Tape Mica tape
Shield #36 AWG, 92% coverage
Insulation Wrap 0.001 inch (0.03 mm) mylar
Jacket Type Bostrad 7 (CSPE)