RUSKA 7350
Users Manual
Safety Information
Safety Summary
The following are general safety precautions that are not related to any specific
procedures and do not appear elsewhere in this publication. These are recommended
precautions that personnel must understand and apply during equipment operation and
maintenance to ensure safety and health and protection of property.
Keep Away from Live Circuits
Operating personnel must at all times observe safety regulations. Do not replace
components or make adjustments inside the equipment with the voltage supply connected.
Under certain conditions, dangerous potentials may exist when the power control is in the
off position due to charges retained by capacitors. To avoid injuries, always remove
power from, discharge, and ground a circuit before touching it.
Do Not Service or Adjust Alone
Do not attempt internal service or adjustment unless another person capable of rendering
aid and resuscitation is present.
Personnel working with or near dangerous voltages shall be familiar with modern
methods of resuscitation. Such information may be obtained from your local American
Medical Association.
Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive Parts
W Caution
Electrostatic discharge sensitive (ESDS) is applied to low
power, solid-state parts which could be damaged or destroyed
when exposed to discharges of static electricity. Maintenance
personnel are often not aware that an ESDS part has been
damaged or destroyed because electrostatic discharges at
levels less than 4,000 volts cannot be seen, felt or heard.
Compressed Air
Use of compressed air can create an environment of propelled foreign matter. Pressure
system safety precautions apply to all ranges of pressure. Care must be taken during
testing to ensure that all pneumatic connections are properly and tightly made prior to
applying pressure. Personnel must wear eye protection to prevent injury.
Personal Protective Equipment
Wear eye protection approved for the materials and tools being used.
Inert Gases
Operation of pressure equipment may be accompanied by the discharge of inert gases to
the atmosphere. The result is a reduction of oxygen concentration. Therefore, it is
mandatory that all exhaust gases be vented outside the work area.
W Warning
If the equipment is used in a manner not specified by the
manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be
AC Main Plug, Switch, and Power Cord
The AC main plug, switch and power cord shall remain readily accessible for operation.