2.5 Installation
To prevent electrical shock, ensure that power is disconnected before installing the alarms
Installation of the 1060am-nm-lrvar consists of mounting the unit , providing an
electrical interface , and performing an operational check.
The 1060-024,1060-034, and 1060-026 have four mounting holes inside each chassis
with a 0.19 diameter clearance.
1 Remove four sheet metal screws from the case assembly . (1060-024 and 1060-034).
Slide out the yellow acrylic panel from the chassis from either side of the flasher
alarm assembly . (1060-026).
2 .Using a chassis as a template mark, the mounting surface for hole positioning.
3. Drill the necessary holes in the mounting surface.
4 .Secure the chassis with the appropriate screws.
5.Determine a suitable location to mount the 1060am-nm-LR . The alarm threshold is
set at 2 mR/hr . A field between 10mr/hr and a 100mr/hr is good starting point. Contact
your radiation safety officer for your company requirements.
If readings from a device’s position indicates that the radiation rate is relatively high, CAUTION
should be observed when replacing or working on this unit. High rates can quickly cause the
operator’s cumulative exposure to increase with the potential for injury
6. The 1060am-nm-LR may be queried for this radiation rate remotely with the RS-232
communications using the RRM command Read mR /Hr (averaged over 60
seconds).Wait two minutes, and repeat the command RRM as necessary See manual
1060am-1 for more information.
7. A twenty-five foot cable assembly pn (1060am-nm-11) is available with a DB9F
connector and a five pin circular connector .If this length is inadequate , use the
connector kit supplied with the 1060am-nm-LR . Select the 5 pin male and assemble
your own .Refer to the section labeled ,Connections –1060am-nm (NEMA 4 enclosure) .
TXD, RXD, and GND are the signals required for RS-232 communications .