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The Jump Start Diet
This 2-week menu plan is based on 1200 to 1300 calories. We have con-
sciously used real food and have even put in some foods often thought of
as "off limits" when trying to lose weight. The plan is nutritionally sound and
offers a variety of foods from all food categories. You may substitute one
food within a food group for another, such as a pear for an apple or 3 oz.
of chicken for 3 oz. lean beef. The most important thing to remember is to
pay attention to portion sizes. When it says 1 cup, you need to measure
out 1 cup, etc.
The plan is extremely simple to follow. Simply pick one selection for each
meal as your day goes along. Note that your lunch will consist of a Lean
meal. This is done so that you have a realistic option to eat at
work or on the go. (If you don't find Lean Cuisine
meals at your local
grocer, other options are Healthy Choice
and Weight Watchers® lunches.)
We have also built in a special treat at the end of most days. This is
because people have the biggest success when they are allowed to have
some of their favorite foods. They do not feel deprived and are not tempted
to binge. Success comes because they are able to stick with the plan, lose
weight and meet their goals without feeling like they were "on a diet". The
important thing to remember is to use only the portion size given, do not go
back for more or guess on your portion size.
If you do not wish to eat the snack after your evening meal, or feel that you
cannot limit your portion size, it can be omitted.
Foods and condiments that can be used without adding significant calories
• Non-caloric beverages, this includes diet carbonated drinks
• Fat free condiments such as mustard, ketchup and vinegar
• Seasonings such as onion, garlic and herbs
• Artificial sweeteners
• Coffee, tea and herbal teas
This program is designed to "jump start" you on your way to better health
and fitness. In just 2 weeks, just 14 short days, you will begin to form habits
to help you reach your fitness goals faster and easier than ever before.