• Pull the lever on the lower post down.
• Insert the upper post into the lower post with the net
positioned over the wheels on the base.
• Push the lever into one of the slots on the side of the
upper post at the desired height.
Upper Post
Lower Post
• As assembled, the rim height is three feet.
• To raise the rim height to four, five or six feet, place
your foot on the base and pull up on the backboard
with both hands to remove the upper post from
the base.You may need to rock the upper post to
loosen it from the base.
IMPORTANT! Rim height should only be adjusted by an adult. Also, make sure children
are not standing below the rim when adjusting the rim height.
• To lower the rim height: while holding the upper
post, push the lever on the lower post down. Lower the
upper post and push the lever into the slot at 4' or 5'.
• To raise the rim height: simply lift the upper post and
push the lever into the slot at 5' or 6'.
Upper Post
Upper Post
Lower Post
Adjusting the Rim Height
IMPORTANT! Since this may require a lot of force,
make sure you are not standing with your face or
chest above the backboard.
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