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4 Configuration Menu
4.10. Modbus Interface
Figure 4.13
Modbus Interface Configuration
The Modbus Interface page allows users to configure Modbus features for RLE products and
enable Modbus slave capabilities for the unit.
Modbus/TCP Slave Unit Identifier: Enables and sets the slave unit address for Modbus over
Modbus/RTU EIA-485 Slave Unit Identifier: Enables and sets the slave unit address for
Modbus over EIA-485, twisted-pair wire. Disabling the slave unit identifier for RTU will
enable the unit to act as a master over EIA-485, twisted-pair wire.
Serial Baud Rate: Sets the EIA-485 COM2 port to 1200, 2400 or 9600 Baud.
EIA-485 DE TX Delay: Normally left at the 10ms default and is active only when the Serial
Interface Type is “EIA485”. During the start of transmission, the transmit line is driven high for
this amount of time prior to transmitting the message. The time is adjustable from 10ms to
EIA-485 DE Off Delay: Normally left at the default of 10ms and is active only when the Serial
Interface Type is “EIA485”. After a message is sent, the transmit line is held high for this
amount of time prior to turning off. The time is adjustable from 10 to 500ms.