
Genie Monochrome Series-GigE Vision Camera Technical Specifications 93
Camera Status LED
The Genie has one multicolor LED to provide a simple visible indication of the operational status of the camera.
When more than one condition is active, the LED color indicates the condition with the highest priority. The
following table summarizes the LED states and corresponding camera status.
LED State Definition
LED is off No power to the camera
Steady Red Camera not initialized
Slow Flashing Red Camera initialization problem
Fast Flashing Red Camera is too hot
Slow Flashing Blue Waiting for an IP address
Fast Flashing Blue Ethernet cable disconnected (no link)
Steady Blue IP address assigned; no application connected to the camera
Steady Green Application connected
Slow Flashing Green Triggered acquisition in progress
Fast Flashing Green Free running acquisition in progress
Optical Considerations
This section provides an overview to illumination, light sources, filters, lens modeling, and lens magnification. Each
of these components contribute to the successful design of an imaging solution.
The amount and wavelengths of light required to capture useful images depend on the particular application. Factors
include the nature, speed, and spectral characteristics of objects being imaged, exposure times, light source
characteristics, environmental and acquisition system specifics, and more. The DALSA Web site,
http://vfm.dalsa.com/, provides an introduction to this potentially complicated issue. Click on the Application
Support link and then select the CCD Technology Primer. Review “Radiometry and Photo Responsivity” along
with other sections of interest.
It is often more important to consider exposure than illumination. The total amount of energy (which is related to
the total number of photons reaching the sensor) is more important than the rate at which it arrives. For example,
can be achieved by exposing 5mW/cm
for 1ms just the same as exposing an intensity of 5W/cm
for 1μs.
Light Sources
Keep these guidelines in mind when selecting and setting up light source:
LED light sources are relatively inexpensive, provide a uniform field, and longer life span compared to other
light sources. However, they also require a camera with excellent sensitivity.
Halogen light sources generally provide very little blue relative to infrared light (IR).
Fiber-optic light distribution systems generally transmit very little blue relative to IR.