Extron • VTG 150 & VTG 200 • User’s ManualExtron • VTG 150 & VTG 200 • User’s Manual
13W3 Sun/SGI/IBM Output (VTG 200
The pin assignments for the 13W3
connector are:
Pin A1 = Red
Pin A2 = Green
Pin A3 = Blue
Sync pin assignments vary by manufacturer as follows:
Signal Sun SGI IBM NXT
H/HV 5 3 5 A2 (SOG)
Ground 10 10 10 10
Adapting the VTG 150 to Other Standards
For some applications, the unit
to be tested may not have
connectors that match those
provided on the VTG 150.
Adaptor cables can be made up
to serve this need. Following are some examples.
Monitors with a 13W3 Input Connector
When connecting a VTG 150 to a monitor that uses the 13W3
connector, use an adapter cable with the following, 4 or 5
BNC configuration:
BNC 13W3 Connector Pin Numbers
Red A1 A1 A1 A1
Green A2 A2 A2 A2 (SOG)
Blue A3 A3 A3 A3
H/HV 5 3 5 NC
Ground 10 10 10 10
Connecting the VTG Output Cables
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Connecting the VTG Output Cables
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RGB Output (BNC, Analog)
The RGB BNC output
provides red, green, and blue
video at 0.7 volts peak to peak and horizontal and vertical
sync at TTL levels on the H/HV and V BNC connectors.
Those five BNC connectors, together with the 2-position
switch, can be used four ways:
• RGB with composite horizontal and vertical sync (4-cables)
• RGB with separate horizontal and vertical sync (5-cables)
• RGB with Sync on Green (3-cables)
• RGB with sync on red, green, and blue (3-cables)
Composite vs. Separate H & V
The vertical sync is provided on the BNC connector marked
V. Depending on the position of the toggle switch, the H/HV
connector can have either a separate horizontal sync, or a
composite horizontal/vertical sync. For example: for
composite sync output, put the toggle switch in the HV
position and don't use the V connector. For separate H & V
sync output, put the switch in the H position and connect
cables to both the H/HV and the V connectors.
Sync on Red, Blue, or Green
Sync on Green may be removed or added for all scan
formats. If normal operation of the selected scan rate is Sync
On Green, that is what the VTG will output. However, the
sync may be removed by following the instructions in Chapter
The sync polarity (positive or negative) of the BNC H & V
output is identical to that of the selected computer.
To output negative composite sync at all times (optimum for
converging video projectors), place the back panel toggle
switch in the HV position. All frequencies may be output on
the BNC connectors.
NTSC/PAL BNC Output (VTG 200 only)
The VTG 200 NTSC/PAL BNC connector provides composite
video output when an NTSC or PAL scan rate is selected.