2002 - INLINE, INC. MSX1616 OPERATION MANUAL - v1.0 5/8/02
Switching Commands
These commands can either initiate a one-input-to-one-output switch or load an entire I/O
configuration. You must fallow all "load" commands (identified by [L….]) by a [TAKE]
command to initiate switch.
Executes a matrix switch of an input to an output for a
specific level.
• Where
o x = 1 - 6 for specific level
o oo = 01 – 16 for output
o ii = 00 – 16 for input (00 = blank)
• Desired Action:
o On Level 1, Patch Output 13 to Input 8
• Required Code:
o [MS1O13I08]
Returns the current connections for Level x
Preloads an I/O configuration for a specific level. Each
output has a two-character placeholder for an input
assignment to that output. Inserting 00 will blank the
output.A [TAKE] command must be sent to execute
• Where
o x = 1 - 6 for specific level
o aa = 00 – 16 designating an input to assign
to output 1
o bb = 00 – 16 designating an input to assign
to output 2
o cc = 00 – 16 designating an input to assign
to output 3
o dd = 00 – 16 designating an input to assign
to output 4
o ee = 00 – 16 designating an input to assign
to output 5
o ff = 00 – 16 designating an input to assign to
output 6
o gg = 00 – 16 designating an input to assign
to output 7
o hh = 00 – 16 designating an input to assign
to output 8
o etc.
Query pre-loaded configuration
• l = 1 – 6 for specific level
Queries all levels.
Causes previously loaded parameters to take effect.