Filter settings panel
The Filter Settings panel (see figure 49, on the preceding page) allows you to modify the
default settings for each alarm type.
a Alarm Type — Selects an alarm for which you want to
change its default settings. This drop-down box lists the
available alarm error conditions for all units. Alarm error
conditions are divided into three categories
• Alarm errors that occur on an encoder (see table 11)
on page 61.
• Alarm errors that occur on a decoder (see table 12)
on page 62.
• One alarm error that occurs only on the device that is
configured as the system controller (see table 13) on
page 62.
b Alarm Source —
Select the device for which you want to change its default settings.
Alarm filters can be set for either a single, specific unit or for all
VNC 325 devices in the system.
c Alarm Severity — Set the alarm severity. Each alarm condition has
a default severity which can be overwritten using the filter controls.
Note that the default setting is listed in this drop down independently
of any changes that have been made to the alarm severity.
Alarms can be set to one of three severities, as listed in the table below:
Alarm Severity Description
Critical When triggered, a critical alarm:
• Illuminates the red LED on the front panel of the affected unit.
• Closes the normally open contacts and opens the normally
closed contacts of the relay accessed via the RS-232 Over LAN
• Displays the red traffic light indicator for the device on the
device list page.
Warning When triggered, displays the yellow traffic light indicator for the
device on the device list page.
None Effectively filters the alarm condition; it still appears in the alarms list
but it does not display any colored indicators.
d Alarm Reporting — Set the alarm to be either Reporting,
NotReporting, or Default (the default setting for the alarm
condition, which could be either reporting or not reporting). A
Reporting condition causes the encoder to send an SNMP trap
(an asynchronous notification) to an SNMP client whenever that alarm condition is
The default setting is listed in this drop down independently of any changes that have
been made to the alarm reporting.
e Apply filter change button — Click the Apply filter change
button to temporarily apply the alarm changes.
NOTE: Click the Save All tab to permanently save the alarm settings.
Changes are lost after a power cycle unless you Save all.
VN-Matrix 325 Serial Digital Over IP CODEC • Alarms and SNMP 60