prop counter-clockwise through 6 -10 complete
revolutions, thus priming the engine. Have a
helper hold your airplane.
Step 4. Attach the glow driver.
Step 5. Turn the engine over using an electric starter.
The engine should fire within seconds of applying
the starter.
Step 6. Remove the glow driver.
Step 7. Allow the engine to run for 30 seconds. And then
adjust the needle valve for your desired ground rpm. We
suggest you set the needle valve so the engine is running
at a fast 4-cycle if you are using the engine for stunt and
sport applications.
Needle Limiters
In most conditions: With changes in flying field
altitudes, changes in temperatures, etc., it will be
necessary to adjust the needle valve. The needle
has a limiter to restrict the movement to just under
one full needle turn, more than enough range for
most conditions.
If your engine starts from the above procedure, but won’t
reliably continue to run with the glow driver removed,
follow the steps above right.
Note: We have found that the best rpm to start with for
this engine is to set the needle so the ground rpm is
9200 - 9500. This will provide a solid 4-stroking style
run with a 2-4 break when needed. Pick the appropriate
prop to match the application and airplane. A 4-5 pitch
prop at these rpms will yield a 5.2-5.4 second lap time
on 60- to 62-foot lines. We recommend as a starting
point the mid-sized venturi .236 in (6mm) and an 11 x 4
to 11 x 5 two-blade propeller.
SetRight Needle Valves
The design of the SetRight needle valve system is such
that, during normal operating conditions, the typical user
will find that the normal range of adjustment allowed by
the system is more than adequate for most situations.
As a matter of fact, we intended this to be used as a
tool to identify operating problems. If you find that the
range of adjustment allowed by the SetRight needle is
inadequate after your initial period of running, then a
problem in your engine system has occurred. This might
be a bad glow plug, dirty or old fuel, an air leak in the
fuel system somewhere or any number of other reasons.
Do not make any permanent adjustment range changes
to the SetRight needle system if it was once working
correctly for you and now does not. Investigate other
problems first.
However, occasionally due to atmospheric, altitudinal
or fuel conditions, you may find that the range of
adjustment built into the SetRight needle valve system
is inadequate for your needs. These conditions are rare
and easy to fix.
SetRight Needle Valve Correction
Should the SetRight needle valve need to be
adjusted outside of the factory-established
parameters, simply pull out the detent spring on
the high-speed needle assembly and move the
needle valve in the desired direction so the SetRight
pin passes the spring detent. You now have
re-established a new range for your purposes.
Note: We have found that if you rotate the blue
collar that locks down the needle clip so that the
setscrew is located adjacent to the actual clip
itself, this will easily increase the tension on the
needle clip and hold the needle in place more