
6. Low Pass Filter Frequency Control
Rotary knob for selecting the low pass frequency, which can be set from 50Hz to 250Hz, with a slope
fixed at 12dB/Octave.
7. Balanced Subwoofer Output
Balanced (XLR) subwoofer connection, with low pass frequency controlled by the rotary knob directly
above it (6.).
8. RCA Subwoofer Output
Standard RCA subwoofer connection, with low pass frequency controlled by the rotary knob directly
above it (6.).
9. High Pass Filter Frequency Control
Rotary knob for selecting the high pass frequency, which can be set from 50Hz to 250Hz, with a slope
fixed at 12dB/Octave.
10. High Pass RCA Outputs
Standard RCA connections for left and right speakers when being used with the High Pass filter.
11. Full Range Outputs
These RCA outputs are 5Hz 5Hz - 80kHz, with less than 0.05dB of deviation. These outputs are
unaffected by the High Pass or Low Pass filters.
12. Main Power Switch
This rocker switch provides the master power for the USP-1. After it is in the ON position, the USP-1 can
be turned on manually from the front panel switch, remote control, or automatically with the trigger input
via a 3.5mm input jack.
13. Power Receptacle
Uses standard IEC power cord.