
6806800H62B ATCAS201InstallationandUseGuide21
3.1 RS232 Console port
This port is implemented on an RJ45 connector located on the ARTM that supplies
RS232 console port access. As the ATCA-S201 boots, its progress can be monitored
on the console.
By default, this port is set for VT100 terminal emulation as listed in the table below.
Table 5 Console port, default terminal settings
Baud rate (bits per second) 115200
Data bits 8
Parity None
Stop bits 1
Flow control Off
A serial interface can be established using a null modem cable and virtually any
terminal communications tool. If using a PC running Microsoft® Windows®, the
user may use HyperTerminal. On Linux-based systems, Minicom can be used.
Note: Use U-boot to adjust the default baud rate below the maximum 115200 if
3.1.1 System boot overview
The ATCA-S201 is designed to boot and become ready for management logins
without any user intervention. This is possible only if the supporting network offers
DHCP. The ATCA-S201 requires no disk drives for initialization. At manufacturing
time, two duplicate copies of firmware code are pre-loaded on non-volatile flash
components embedded on the carrier board. These firmware images include U-
boot, a Linux kernel, and the root file system (rfs) which contains the storage
application services. On power-up or reset, the blade inspects jumper positions to
decide whether firmware is fetched from the customer flash or a read-only factory
flash. This feature allows blade recovery in situations where the customer flash has
been accidently erased or corrupted. The blade boot sequence continues as the
onboard CPU loads firmware and executes the code contents. If no attempts are
made to halt or suspend the boot process, approximately 45 seconds later, the
module is able to accept management communication logins and commands. Once
booted, the blade runs entirely out of DDR2 SRAM embedded on the blade. All
Ethernet ports are configured for DHCP. If DHCP is not used on your network, the
ATCA-S201 Ethernet ports must be initialized manually as described in section 3.6 of
this manua