Suspension Safety Warning
This guide provides instruction on how to use EVID components to create example arrays. Correct use of this
hardware is required for secure array construction. Only persons with the knowledge of proper hardware and safe
suspension techniques should attempt to suspend any sound systems overhead. CAUTION! The weakest
component determines the size and safety of the entire array. Before suspending any array always inspect all
components of the array including building structural supports for cracks, deformations, corrosion or damage that
could reduce strength and safety of the array.
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that any Electro-Voice loudspeaker system is suspended overhead in
accordance with all current federal, state, and local regulations.
© Telex Communications, Inc. 11/2001
Part Number 38110-062 Rev A
12000 Portland Avenue South, Burnsville, MN 55337
Phone:952/884-4051, Fax:952/884-0043
3/8 Threaded Rod
Threaded Rod Suspension
Pole Mount