
Retrofit Checklist for
134a, Suva
HP62, or Suva
_____ 1. Establish baseline performance with R-12, R-502, or R-22. (See data sheet for
recommended data.)
_____ 2. Consult the original equipment manufacturer of the system components for
recommendations on the following:
Plastics compatibility
Elastomers compatibility
Lubricant (viscosity, manufacturer)
Retrofit procedure to sustain warranty
_____ 3. Drain lubricant charge from the refrigerant system (unless polyol ester lubricant
is already in the system).
Remove majority of lubricant from system.
Measure amount of lubricant removed and record: _______________.
_____ 4. Charge polyol ester lubricant using amount equivalent to amount of mineral oil
removed. Run system with R-12, R-502, or R-22 for 24 hours, minimum.
_____ 5. Repeat lubricant drain and POE charging two more times or until mineral oil
content is less than 5%.
_____ 6. Remove R-12, R-502, or R-22 charge from system. (Need 10–20 inHg vacuum
[34–67 kPa].)
_____ 7. Replace filter drier with new drier approved for use with Suva
134a, Suva
HP62, or
_____ 8. Reconnect system and evacuate with vacuum pump. (Evacuate to full vacuum
[29.9 inHg vacuum/0.14 kPa].)
_____ 9. Leak-check system. (Reevacuate system following leak check.)
_____ 10. Charge system with Suva
Initially charge 75% by weight of original equipment manufacturer R-12, R-502,
or R-22 charge.
Amount of refrigerant charged: _______________.
_____ 11. Start equipment and adjust charge until desired operating conditions are
achieved. If low in charge, add in increments of 2–3% of original R-12, R-502,
or R-22 charge.
Amount of refrigerant charged: _______________.
Total refrigerant charged:
_____ 12. Label components and system for type of refrigerant (Suva
134a, Suva
HP62, or
507) and lubricant (polyol ester).
Retrofit is complete.