Retrofit Checklist for
134a, Suva
HP62, or Suva
_____ 1. Establish baseline performance with R-12, R-502, or R-22. (See data sheet for
recommended data.)
_____ 2. Consult the original equipment manufacturer of the system components for
recommendations on the following:
• Plastics compatibility
• Elastomers compatibility
• Lubricant (viscosity, manufacturer)
• Retrofit procedure to sustain warranty
_____ 3. Drain lubricant charge from the refrigerant system (unless polyol ester lubricant
is already in the system).
• Remove majority of lubricant from system.
• Measure amount of lubricant removed and record: _______________.
_____ 4. Charge polyol ester lubricant using amount equivalent to amount of mineral oil
removed. Run system with R-12, R-502, or R-22 for 24 hours, minimum.
_____ 5. Repeat lubricant drain and POE charging two more times or until mineral oil
content is less than 5%.
_____ 6. Remove R-12, R-502, or R-22 charge from system. (Need 10–20 inHg vacuum
[34–67 kPa].)
_____ 7. Replace filter drier with new drier approved for use with Suva
134a, Suva
HP62, or
_____ 8. Reconnect system and evacuate with vacuum pump. (Evacuate to full vacuum
[29.9 inHg vacuum/0.14 kPa].)
_____ 9. Leak-check system. (Reevacuate system following leak check.)
_____ 10. Charge system with Suva
• Initially charge 75% by weight of original equipment manufacturer R-12, R-502,
or R-22 charge.
• Amount of refrigerant charged: _______________.
_____ 11. Start equipment and adjust charge until desired operating conditions are
achieved. If low in charge, add in increments of 2–3% of original R-12, R-502,
or R-22 charge.
• Amount of refrigerant charged: _______________.
• Total refrigerant charged:
_____ 12. Label components and system for type of refrigerant (Suva
134a, Suva
HP62, or
507) and lubricant (polyol ester).
Retrofit is complete.