Putting on the harness
- PutontheharnessasshowningureA.
- Adjust it so that the clip is about a hand-width above your
- Correctly balancing the brushcutter reduces strain on the
arms while working.
- When using the trimmer head on a level terrain, the trimmer
head should touch the ground lightly without the user having
to hold the unit.
- Indifcultterrainorwhenusingthesteelbushcutterthe
brushcutter should balance about 20 cm above the ground
without the user having to hold the unit.
- Fuel the brushcutter and clip it into the harness.
- To balance the brushcutter, loosen the bolt (
C/1). Push
the eyelet (C/2) forward to move the centre of gravity back
towards the engine, or back to move the centre of gravity
forward towards the tool.
- Whenyouaresatisedwiththebalancetightenthebolt
Balancing the brushcutter
Start engine
Observe accident-prevention regulations!
Do not start the brushcutter until fully assembled and
Starting the engine
- Moveatleast3meters(10feet)awayfromwhereyoulled
the fuel tank.
- Make sure you have a good footing, and lay the brushcutter
on the ground in such a way that the cutting tool is not touch-
ing the ground or anything else.
Quick-release buckle
- In an emergency, pulling the red tab (D/3) will instantly detach
the brushcutter from the operator.
When putting on the shoulder harness, make sure that
the red release tab is not on the inside towards the oper-
ator’s body, but on the outside, easily visible and easy to