D-Link EasySmart Switch User Manual
Figure 318 – Security >Dynamic Forwarding Table
PoE > PoE Global Settings (DGS-1100-08P only)
This page allows user to configure the global PoE settings of the device and also displays current PoE status
including Total PoE Power Budget, Power Used, Power Left and The percentage of system power supplied.
Figure 329 – PoE > PoE Global Settings
System Power Threshold (PoE Power Threshold): Manually configure the PoE power budget 7.1 ~ 64.0
System Setting Disconnect Method (Power Shut Off Sequence): Defines the method used to deny power to
a port once the threshold is reached. The possible fields are:
•Deny next port: When the power budget is exceeded, the next port attempting to power up is denied,
regardless of the port priority.
•Deny low priority port: The port with the lower priority will be shut down to allow the higher
priority port to power up.
Click Apply to make the configurations take effects.
System Power Status: Displays the system power status of device.
•System Budget Power (Total PoE Power Budget): Displays the total PoE power budget of this
•Support Total Power (Power Used): Displays the current used PoE power.
•Remainder Power (Power Left): Displays the left PoE power.