Master Hub Setup and Management 51
SNMP Traps
The hub sends out SNMP
to network management stations whenever
certain exceptional events occur, such as when the hub is powered on or
when an SNMP request is made using an unknown community name. An
SNMP trap sent to another network management site provides a warning
about, for example, an attempted unauthorized access to the network or hub,
or changes to a network hub configuration that may effect other parts of
the network. Traps are sent only to selected network management hosts. The
hub allows up to four different hosts to receive traps from the system.
DFE-2600 Stackable Hub - SNMP Trap Manager Setting Menu
IP Address SNMP Community String Status
[ ] [ ] <Invalid>
[ ] [ ] <Invalid>
[ ] [ ] <Invalid>
[ ] [ ] <Invalid>
The following trap parameters can be set:
♦ IP Address
. This parameter specifies the IP address of the network
management station which will receive traps from the hub.
♦ SNMP Community String
. This parameter specifies the SNMP
community name to be included in the trap request.