24-port NWay Ethernet Switch User’s Guide
200 Index
Save Changes .......................... 52
Save Settings to TFTP Serve 105
Save Switch History to TFTP
Server................................ .106
Saving Changes....................... 55
securit ........................ 26, 40, 41
Segmenting Broadcast Domains
................................ ............. 48
Segments, Network................... 3
Serial Port ............................... 64
Server IP Address.................. 106
Setting Up The Switch.............60
Setup................................ ........ 8
SLIP management ........... 64, 161
Slot 2................................ .......19
sniffe ................................ ......76
SNMP Community String......109
SNMP Manager Configuration
................................ ...107, 108
SNMP Manager Configuration
Status ................................ .109
SNMP Security (Communit
Names)............................... 108
SNMP Trap Manager
Configuration..................... 107
Software Update menu...........102
Software Updates................... 102
Spanning Tree Algorithm......... 6
Spanning Tree Algorithm (STA)
................................ ............. 31
Spanning Tree Algorithm
Parameter ............................ 77
Custom Filtering Table...86, 87
Forwarding Table................. 84
Protocol Parameter .............. 77
Spanning Tree Protocol .......... 31
Speed............................. 113, 114
Speed/Duplex ......................... 68
STA Operation Levels ............ 32
Static Filtering, definition of ... 82
Static filters ............................ 85
static forwarding entries.......... 85
Static Multicast Filtering Table87
Storage Temperature............. 182
Store and forward switching ..... 5
STP Port State ........................ 70
straight cable........................ 186
subnet mask.......................... 128
Subnet Mask........................... 62
Super User.............................. 54
switc ................................ ....... 3
Switch History...................... 120
Switch Management ..........24–49
Switch Monitoring................ 109
Switching Technolog .............. 3
System Contact................. 64, 65
System Location ............... 64, 65
System Name.................... 64, 65
System Restart Setting
Out-of-Band Baud Rate...... 161
System Utilities..................... 104
Tag/Untag ............................ 100
tagging ................................ ... 40
Tagging............................ 44, 97
TCP/IP Settings ...................... 61
TELNET ................................ 50
terminal emulato ................... 50
terminal parameters................ 50
TFTP (Trivial File Transfe
Protocol)............................ 102
TFTP Server Address............ 103