
DI-304/DI-304M ISDN Remote Router
Access Control
Broadband Access – Select Enable to turn on the broadband access
Gateway IP Address Enter the IP address from DSL service provider
as Router IP address or the fixed IP gateway IP address.
ISDN Dial Backup Setup
Dial Backup Mode – Select None to disable this feature or select Packet
Trigger to activate this feature, or select always on to recover connection.
Note: The router should be restarted to allow the settings to take effect.
Configuring ISDN Dial Backup
ISDN Dial Backup Setup There are three options:
None - Disable the backup function.
Packet Trigger - The backup line is disconnected until a packet
from a local host triggers the router to establish a connection.
Always On - If the broadband connection is no longer available,
the backup line will automatically connect and stay Always On until
the broadband connection is recovered.