256D-Link ShareCenter DNS-320L User Manual
Section 5 - Knowledge Base
• OnlytothepersonorentitythatoriginallypurchasedtheproductfromD-Linkoritsauthorizedresellerordistributor.
• OnlyforproductspurchasedanddeliveredwithintheftystatesoftheUnitedStates,theDistrictofColumbia,U.S.Possessions
or Protectorates, U.S. Military Installations, or addresses with an APO or FPO.
Limited Warranty:
as otherwise stated herein.
• Hardware(excludingpowersupplies):Three(3)years
• FreeTechnicalSupport-BasicInstallation:Ninety(90)days
The customer’s sole and exclusive remedy and the entire liability of D-Link and its suppliers under this Limited Warranty will be, at
D-Link’s option, to repair or replace the defective Hardware during the Warranty Period at no charge to the original owner or to refund the actual
purchase price paid. Any repair or replacement will be rendered by D-Link at an Authorized D-Link Service Oce. The replacement hardware
need not be new or have an identical make, model or part. D-Link may, at its option, replace the defective Hardware or any part thereof with any
reconditioned product that D-Link reasonably determines is substantially equivalent (or superior) in all material respects to the defective Hardware.
Repaired or replacement hardware will be warranted for the remainder of the original Warranty Period or ninety (90) days, whichever is longer,
and is subject to the same limitations and exclusions. If a material defect is incapable of correction, or if D-Link determines that it is not practical
to repair or replace the defective Hardware, the actual price paid by the original purchaser for the defective Hardware will be refunded by D-Link
upon return to D-Link of the defective Hardware. All Hardware or part thereof that is replaced by D-Link, or for which the purchase price is refunded,
shall become the property of D-Link upon replacement or refund.